Now in its 7th edition, the ISM Global Ministers Classroom (GMC) is a special assembly of Ministers of the Gospel: Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, Bishops, Ministry Leaders in one Global Online Classroom to fellowship with one another, interact with divine knowledge and information, with distribution of grace for the work of the Ministry.
In these unprecedented times being experienced around the world, ISM Global Ministers Classroom (GMC) would strengthen ministers of the Gospel to fulfil their role in evangelization and making disciples of the nations. Open to all Church leaders, pastors, ministry leaders and executives, ministry staff and all categories of Church workers, it promises to be an extraordinary time of revelatory teachings, impartation for greater works and impact in these last days.
The session with the man of God, Pastor Chris will be an interactive one, there will also be teaching from several seasoned ISM Lecturers and Senior Ministers, testimony segments of the impact of the ISM, Question and Answer segment, where participants will have the opportunity to have their questions answered by the man of God in real time during the live broadcast. Kindly send your questions now ahead of the program to [email protected].
This transformational event will also be broadcast live in all major languages of the world, to give the opportunity to many more ministers of the Gospel to participate in the program.
"Make plans today to participate in this global and landmark event! You are sure to be indelibly impacted by the Spirit of God and further rightly positioned for the work of ministry in these last days."
Thank you and God bless you